The Playstation 4 Slim (PS4) and Playstation 4 Pro are home video game consoles developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment that offers premium gaming. All Arcooda Game Wizard machines support Playstation 4. Utilising Arcooda’s Game Wizard’s expansive capabilities, connect your Playstation 4 Slim or Pro and experience your favourite games in your customised arcade machine environment. Instructions to Connect your Playstation 4 into Any Game Wizard Arcade Machine Step 1. Inside your machine, check that your joystick control panel wiring is setup for console/PC play, and not set for Arcade/Jamma game play. (please check your manual for location). Step 2. After installing your Playstation 4 (PS4) inside the machine, plug in the Machine HDMI cable into your Playstation 4 (PS4). Step 3. Depending on your machine configuration, please check the audio cables connected to the Arcooda amplifier are labelled as Console/PC. If there is no facility in your existing Game Wizard machine for audio output from the Playstation 4 (PS4) to the machine, its easily solved by purchased an audio extractor from us (this is a simple device that goes from the HDMI cable creating an audio output that can be plugged into the Arcooda amplifer). Step 4. Plug in the Highway I/O board USB twin ended cable into your Playstation 4 (PS4). Step 5. Change the front multimedia control panel set to Console. Depending on your machine configuration, the location of this switch will vary. Step 6. Install your wired hand controllers into the front USB control panel, or, connect the wired hand controllers directly into the Highway I/O board inside your machine, or, use 3rd party adapters such as Magicboot USB drives. Hand controllers must be connected to activate the Playstation 4.


  • Game Wizard Panel Switch = Console
  • Hand Controllers Must Be Connected = Yes
  • Warning: Wireless Playstation 4 (PS4) hand controllers need to be connected to your arcade machine via USB cable. However, cable quality will influence performance (and may not register If the cable is low standard).

    Setup Instruction

    Connect HDMI Cable from Arcooda Machine to Playstation 4
    Connect USB Cable from Arcooda Machine to Playstation 4
    Turn Arcooda Media Panel switch to CONSOLE
    Connect Playstation 4 Controllers to Panel
    Turn Arcooda Wide Media Panel switch to CONSOLE
    Connect Playstion 4 Controllers to Wide Panel